Cheeto on a String

Summer 2009

Summer 2009

Thanksgiving 2009Thanksgiving 2009

New Year, New Decade 2010

New Year, New Decade 2010

This summer I hung this Cheeto on the tree to fool a crow. (It did. He grabbed it in midair and came up short on the string. Never tried it again) I left it hanging. It made it through Thanksgiving and now into the new decade. The orange color turned to black and it has turned hard despite the rain. I’m hoping to set a new world record and need your support. Send money to me and send a link to this

post in an email to 10 friends. Thanks.

21 Responses to “Cheeto on a String”

  1. I recognize that Cheeto – You tried to feed it to me the last time I was in Seattle!…… You know, Anon, to make the event official, you are required to have an FDA inspector on site on a regular basis….. If that is really the same Cheeto, I think I can guarantee that you won’t see me with a bag of Cheetos in my hand anymore….. Just what’s in that Cheeto anyways?…. Probably some of Anon’s secret sauce….

  2. Yeah, What’s in a Cheeto?

  3. I saw a similar experiment done with a McDonald’s
    Happy Meal. It showed the changes that evolved over a period of time. The burger was really disgusting, pretty quickly. The fries looked the same, throughout the experiment. I can only imagine what the non expiring fries do to ones’ stomach.

  4. The MacFries and Cheetos probably contain the same unhealthy chemical preservatives for a long shelf life, which, in turn, makes them have a long extended stomach life also…… That crow is probably still trying to get the taste out of his beak, or, if he actually ate some of it, he’s most likely crows feet up by now…. Anon, you’ve committed Crowaside!….. I wouldn’t want to be around if this gets out to the NSPCA….. A crow may be just a crow (even an Old Crow), but it didn’t deserve a Cheeto demise….. Ignorance is not a solid defense…. See ya in “Animal Cruelty Monthly”…….

  5. This all started when Mrs. Anon read that crows go nuts for Cheetos, She started leaving a few out until we had a regular visit each day by a family of four crows, dad, mom, and two teenagers. I put a Cheeto on a string to see what would happen, Very funny the day one of the teenagers went for it. Now I have a black Cheeto that even the bugs wont eat.

  6. My cats like Cheetos but if you try to give them Mac fries, forget it, they leave the room and don’t come back. Whenever I go to Long John Silvers I always get fries if I plan to eat at home. LJS fries the only thing that can keep my cats off the fish so I can eat in peace. I no longer eat LJS or Mac fries. Braumn’s fries are the cats favorite.

  7. Exactly which World record are you going for, Anon?….. Maybe: “World’s Longest Surviving Cheeto”, or “World’s Longest Lasting Food Preservative in the Snack category”, or even: “World’s toughest Cheeto”….. …..And, while we’re at it, just what would my donation be spent on, if I were actually considering to donate to this fossilized Cheeto scheme?….. eh?….. Just how would us investors benefit?…..

  8. Sounds like the perfect snack for PDB. He probably has bags of them stored in his bunker. He’s also probably preserved for eternity.

  9. If I hang a food product in my back yard can I get in on this record donation scam thing? Is it only for Cheetos and only first came first serve? I have same Slim Jim’s that I’m not sure I’m hungry enough to eat. If I hang two of them from a tree can I get double the donations or maybe three or four? Let’s see a legder of your donations if they don’t add up I’ll just save the Slim Jims for J.J. you know how those truckers are they’ll eat anything.

  10. MR,

    Your donation would further research in pure science. You would benefit in the knowledge that you have helped humanity understand the nature of nutrition. Or, help me get in the Guinness Book of Records with “The World’s Longest Surviving Cheeto On A String”. (Any left over proceeds will be divided equally between the original donators, the ones who don’t break the chain of emails)

    Thanks again for your participation and donations. I expect to be rolling in it soon.


    Can you think of anything better than a big flask of Wallbangers and a bag of Cheetos?

  11. RoboLsd,

    This is America. Everyone is entitled to their own scam. Get your own.

  12. #12 by huskysooner

    You all seem to have missed the most obvious observation that the processed cheetoh looks like a turd.

  13. Yeah, HS, you’re right, whether the Cheeto is yellow, orange, or black, it still looks like cat droppings…….

    Anon, are you sure you’re not a politician?….. That was a heavy load of forked silver tongue that any elected official would be proud of, but, you sold me – check’s in the mail (right)….. I have beach front property in Florida if you’re interested…..

    Robo, you’re right about J.J. the trucker – He cleaned me out of all the Slim Jims I had in stock……

    Sunn, late at night, besides the digging I hear going on under the new MR Central HQ, I hear these strange crunching sounds to the tune of “Purple Haze”….. I’m not sure if PD Bob is eating or smoking Cheetos – probably both!….. I also noticed my supply of 100 proof vodka didn’t make the move, and, PD Bob is bitching about the high cost of orange juice these days……

  14. Nine out of ten tests have proven that it is in fact not a turd.

  15. Turd on a string not a bad concept if people in third world countries that eat bugs just had some money I might find me a scam yet.

  16. Now you’ve done it, Anon!…. PD Bob wants to market a hanging bobble-head version of himself….. He claims, by merely placing one in the front yard and one in the back yard (for total protection), it will warn away any unwanted dogs, cats, bugs, rodents, thieves, relatives, you name it…. The problem I found with it was that it repels ANY living creature – unwanted or otherwise!….. So, if you want total privacy, you might consider a “PDB Bobble-Head Security Device”….. Comes complete with instruction manual, string, and grounded mounting pole….. Sounds like a stocking stuffer to me (which is where PDB needs to be)…..

    Oh, yeah, Anon, PDB also claims he once hung on a rope tied to a tree during a surveillance mission for nine (9) months straight….. Looks like your Cheeto still has a ways to go!……

  17. Further!

  18. Anon, I’d prefer Jack. However, beggars can’t be choosy.

  19. Cheetos go with anything……….red or white and even Jack. Mmmmmmm!

  20. I’m a little too far south I’m thinking RC and a moon pie to go with those Cheetos.

  21. Yes and I must admit they were delicious. But remember you willingly offered them up, and don’t forget the M&M’s That I’m still working on. and thanx robo for the popcorn. Oh yeah, we will not eat anything, I will not go near Long John Silvers. Or Liver

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