P.D. Bob’s Weather Antenna….
I would’ve Posted this sooner, but, there was this visit from Jek….. He proceeded to re-invent my computer and reorganize everything!….. As soon as he left MR HQ, P.D. Bob decided he didn’t like any outsider (to him) messin’ about with the layout of things – so-o-o, he promptly reorganized everything to his liking….. Needless to say, I couldn’t find anything, personal or otherwise….. I just now found my laptop…. PDB was using it as a display base for his stuffed field mice collection…. UUGH!…. He’s on my list permanently…..
Anyways, back to PDB’s new invention….. The “Forked Tongue Weather Predicting Antenna”….. Here it is:
Here’s how it works: As soon as you receive your FTWP Antenna by refrigerated truck, install it where your factory antenna is installed…. The FTWP Antenna will begin immediately predicting the weather…. If the clear section of the antenna remains frozen, it’s still Winter…. If it slowly starts to lean and melt, then it’s above freezing, and, it’s still Winter, maybe early Spring….. If it melts before you can install it completely, then it’s definitely Summer….. The steel section of the FTWPA works almost as good as the antenna you just removed….. Oh, yeah, you can’t move the vehicle while the FTWPA is operating….. Be the first on your block to own one…. Only Three (3) payments of $19.95 plus $200.00 Shipping and Handling….. One of an extensive line of little known products from PDB Productions, Inc, LTD, etc…… THIS PRODUCT HAS A “BUYER BEWARE” WARNING….. Happy non-motoring……
March 12th, 2010 at 6:06 pm
Hey, how’d you do that?
March 12th, 2010 at 11:52 pm
I think PDB needs to do an infomercial. We need more of those.
March 14th, 2010 at 1:08 pm
You’ll have to ask PDB, Anon, it’s his invention….. Don’t coax him on, Sunn, he’s got a big enough ego now….. He’s already designed a weather predicting wheel to go along with the antenna….. It’s called the “All-Steel Weather Predicting Wheel”….. It works in the same way as the antenna, but, the ASWPW is so cost prohibitive that it’s aimed at the Government agent/employee sector….. You have to buy a set of four (4), and a special crew has to be sent with the ASWPW to install them….. Sort of like paying $25,000 for a $2 toilet seat – only someone with a Government expense account can afford it…… Here’s what one looks like:

March 14th, 2010 at 3:41 pm
With PDB in the inventor mode, he should target the military industrial complex. That’s where the big bucks are.
March 14th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
Oh, he’s working on it….. I’m just hoping he doesn’t blow-up or launch MR HQ into outer space….. Right now he’s working on a light bending stealth body suit for the beleaguered foot soldier (Infantry)….. The only problems he has are that he doesn’t want to put a mask on it – says it covers his best feature, and it’s Prairie Dog size….. I told him, “as small as it is, you could paint it bright red and no one would see it”…. That’s when he huffed and stomped off making some remark about high explosive testing being next on his list…..
March 14th, 2010 at 8:06 pm
MR tell PDB to paint it PINK and surround it in a someone else’s problem field. That way even if they see it they will ignore it so they don’t have to clean it up. If that doesn’t work he can always blow it up.
March 15th, 2010 at 2:26 pm
Robo, PLEASE don’t invite PDB to “Blow-UP” anything!….. Luckily, you have distracted him with the pink aspect, and, he is now busily reading “Hitchhiker’s Guide” and mixing different shades of pink paint…..
March 18th, 2010 at 5:40 pm
PDB came over here after MR’s computer field mice fiasco and made me a All Wood Weather Predicting Bird Feeder. It’s just a piece of paper with some notes on it. Staped to my bird feeder.
1. If the birds are glossy expect freezing fog.
2. If the birds are white expect snow.
3. If the birds are dripping wet expect rain.
4. If the birds are singing expect sun.
5. If the birds are naked expect a tornado.
6. If there are no birds fill the bird feeder.
7. If the birds are hiding under the eve of the house expect hail.
8. If the birds feathers are sticking out expect a thunder storm.
And to think he expects me to list this on E-Bay for ten thousand dollars.
March 18th, 2010 at 10:58 pm
You build it, they’ll come (Field of Dreams). Definitely applies to E-Bay.
March 19th, 2010 at 6:29 pm
So how are all these weather devices working now?, It is now raining….no hold it Here comes the hail. Ok rain again. Give me a break
March 19th, 2010 at 8:29 pm
J.J. the wet white birds are hiding under the eves Friday night the the big town. Must be going to rain hail and snow soon.
April 2nd, 2010 at 7:45 pm
Do you have a summer version say concrete melting or Blacktop boiling to let you know there are no clouds?