Vatican makes peace…..

…….with Beatles after 40 years…..
VATICAN CITY (AP) – The Vatican has finally made peace with the Beatles.
The Vatican newspaper says the members’ “dissolute” lives and John Lennon’s boastful claim that the band was more popular than Jesus are in the past, while their music lives on……Vatican Beatles
Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano paid tribute to the Fab Four in its weekend editions, with two articles and a front-page cartoon reproducing the crosswalk immortalized on the cover of the band’s album “Abbey Road.”
The tribute marked the 40th anniversary of the band’s breakup.
It is not the first time the Vatican has praised the legendary band from Liverpool. Two years ago, it praised the “White Album,” and last month it included “Revolver” in its top-10 albums.

One Response to “Vatican makes peace…..”

  1. I’m sure Paul and Ringo are pleased as Yorkshire Pudding over it…. Sure…….

    It’s seems to me the Vatican would have picked some other album, like “Rubber Soul” for their top 10 instead of “Revolver” which brings to mind guns/weapons…. Maybe they liked “Taxman” and the copper pennies on the eyes thing…..

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