Any Ideas?……

Look’s like we’ve left out the Seattle connection on Mr. J.’s post on Oklahoma Malls, so, I’m (MR) looking for suggestions on topics to discuss from any and all in the Community….. Believe me, I have opinions on anything!…. Just ask Jek….. Just give me a direction – Music, Politics (yuck), History, etc., etc…..

Just give me a direction and I’ll make a Post and wait for the comments to come pouring in (hopefully)…… Of course, you Community members are more than welcome to make a Post at anytime…. Wintertimes on the way and what better way to spend those cold frozen tundra nights indoors making Posts on MR Central?…… ….eh?

10 Responses to “Any Ideas?……”

  1. pancakes

  2. waffles

  3. bacon, bacon, bacon.

  4. how about ” the best breakfast i ever had “.

  5. Don’t forget the corn beef hash.

  6. I was amazed! – At first….. Wow, five comments in one day – Probably lots of good suggestions!….. Then, I looked at your so-called comments, and I have only three words for the lot of you – “spam, Spam, SPAM”!….. No bacon, no sausage, no ham, no side orders, just spam….. “Thanks for the Fish”……

  7. ok, here’s a breakfast story. i went over to the coast one winter to a town called Forks (where all the vampires hang out) for a steelhead trip down the Hoh river. the routine is to meet the guide before light at the local grocery sore/ drug store/ cafe for breakfast. at that time of day the only one eating are fishermen in hip boots and loggers in plaid shirts and cut off jeans. a large elderly logger across from me was ordering breakfast. he ordered a large bowel of oatmeal…very reasonable. after that he ordered sausages, biscuits,and gravy…a side order of eggs. the waitress came back to clear the dishes and asked him if he wanted anything else….yes, a slice of apple pie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. thats the breakfast i remember.

  8. Good story, Anon, But, you should have waited until I made a Post of Breakfasts…… Maybe you have another one for when we get to insane Breakfasts?….eh?

    I was serious when I asked for suggestions… Now, we’re going to go down the list….Ha!….. Don’t suggest something unless you want it discussed……

  9. MR: You ask for ideas and then you take control and make people wait for the good ones. Do you think this forum has your name on it or something? 🙂

  10. As a matter of fact, Jek, YES!…… But, I guess I should have phased that as, “we will cover all the list” as opposed to “going down the list”…. And I did say “ANYONE” could Post – So go to it…… PDB’s adding some notes to dossier…..

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