Quirky or Coincidence?…

….Or downright weird??…. You decide….. I have finally got around to shredding all those papers, invoices, mailing labels, etc., that you don’t really want to throw in your trash because, these days, you can’t even trust your trash when it comes to identity theft…. I ran across an invoice from Mills Music in Bothell, WA where I purchased four sets of officially licensed Jimi Hendrix strings….. This was in April of ’09….. The reason I was in Bothell in the first place was that I was in Seattle and shopping around for a cheap Fender Telecaster to use for slide playing……

The JH strings had just came out…. They were cool as they were packed in various combinations of string configurations that Jimi used and they had different album covers for the different sets, and, they were on SALETwo for one….

Okay, Okay, here’s the deal – The total amount for the strings, which were different prices based on which set you purchased, plus the tax amounted to $27.27….. Jimi Hendrix was 27 years old when he died…. Quirky, Weird, Coincidence, or does MR just have too much time on his hands?….

6 Responses to “Quirky or Coincidence?…”

  1. I don’t know if you remember it or not, Anon, but you were my navigator on this particular quest, and by trail and error led us to Mills Music in Bothell……

  2. I was just about to remind you.

    Left Bothell and headed towards the pass…..stopped at Sunset Falls on the south fork…..drove up into mountains along a small river with lots of snow (which you rolled around in..the snow)….I hit a small tree…toured the town of Skykomish to see how the move was going…(the town is being moved)

    Remember? Or am I confused?

  3. Yep, Anon, I remembered that we stopped by the music store on one of our Northern Walkabouts….. I have pictures of lots of them, but, I have to admit, I do remember all the things you mentioned, I just couldn’t tell you exactly which adventure they occurred on….. I wouldn’t mind revisiting that music store, it was pretty cool, and, I’m more than ready for another road trip….. Hopefully, I can get up there in the next few months for one or more of them, so, brew up some coffee, get out the maps, and, preplan a few loose itineraries, so we will be able to go at a moment’s notice…..

  4. A coincidence.

  5. So-o-o, you’re gonna go with coincidence, eh?…… I think I’ll go with it was a coincidence that I noticed it in the first place, which, probably means I have too much time on my hands for that to happen….. Six one way – Half dozen the other…..

  6. Knowing MR I’m going with Quirky.

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