Japan – 70 Years Ago?…..

This is to give you a little insight into how MR’s brain works….. I know, there’s lots of short circuits and blown fuses in there…..

Most of you should know by now that I’m a history buff, and, that I believe by having a knowledge of history, we, (as in all human kind), could and should be able to prevent major mistakes from occurring over and over again, now and in the future by the study of it……

Oh, Yeah, this is supposed to be about the earthquake in Japan?….. I heard about the quake early Friday and the associated Tsunami headed for the West Coast of the U.S., I was naturally worried about family and friends in the Seattle area, BUT, the really weird thing that popped in my mind was, “What if this natural disaster had happened 70 years ago – March, 1941?”…… Japan was in the middle of it’s quest for World domination in the Pacific Ocean Basin….. Would there have been a “Pearl Harbor”?…… Would they have continued their aggression, or, even been a player in the remainder of WWII?……. Would there have been an “A”-Bomb?….. How much shorter would the War have been if the Allies could have concentrated all their efforts against Hitler?…… How much destruction and how many lives could have been prevented and saved?…… Just how much would History, as we know it, would have changed?……..

I know, it’s a terrible disaster, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone (well, almost), but, God (yes, I believe there is a God) works in his (Her) own way – almost the way my mind works – very illogical, messed-up, and with the memory of a Elephant…… Delayed Payback? – Who knows….. I just hope God doesn’t remember everything I’ve done in my lifetime – I can’t stand Hot places…….

4 Responses to “Japan – 70 Years Ago?…..”

  1. I think that it would have made little difference after all we had to drop two nukes on them (and the war was almost over any way) to get them to see the light. So I think a little thing like an earthquake that almost destroys Japan would have made little difference in the minds of the leaders of Japan.

  2. Robo, study your history…… I’m talking March 10, 1941 – This would’ve been 9 months BEFORE Pearl Harbor and Four (4) years and 5 months before we dropped the bombs that ended the War…… It might not have made any difference in the minds of the leaders of Japan, but, it sure would’ve cut their resources and manpower to wage war to the bone……

  3. I was not speaking to, if you destroy Japan can they still go to war. I was saying we had to destroy them, to get them to give peace a chance.

  4. #4 by huskysooner

    I’m not sure about your other questions, but I doubt it would have changed much in the European theater. Beating Hitler was our first priority, Japan second. This was even more apparent after the tide of battle turned after The Battle of Midway in early June 1942.

    As to your “delayed payback” comment: no way.

    Oh, and there definitely still would have been an atomic bomb.

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