Happy Pre-Turkey Day!……

Thought I would wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving early….. Hopefully everyone will have a GREAT HolidayGobble up the Turkey, but don’t be a Turkey!….  Enjoy the people and family you share it with, even if you don’t enjoy them in particular……  Required Holidays can be confusing and stressful if you let them – So Don’tPut everything else on the back burner and have FUN!!!!…..

3 Responses to “Happy Pre-Turkey Day!……”

  1. Yes Happy Thanksgiving to all of those of you who still participate in our community. Eat Lots, watch lots of Football, We are.
    Also remember at noon. Listen to Alice’s Restaurant. If your local radio does not play it, download it from itunes.

  2. Jek asked me what the “W” as in Group W Bench means. Damn if I could tell him and I was there. Can a Vet out there fill us in?

  3. Had a good T-day. Lots of food and family.

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