Demo”Rat”?….. Republi”Can’t”?…..

I’m NEITHER!…..  I’m a 100% Ameri”CAN”!!!!…..  Although I don’t think things will change much with the election of either of the choices we have, EVERYONE should get out and vote tomorrow if you haven’t already….  There are always State Questions, Judges to be retained, and local officials to be voted on, and, maybe, just maybe, these may have some impact on the bigger picture…..  IT’S YOUR RIGHT AND OBLIGATION AS AN AMERI”CAN” to VOTE – So-o-o-o, if you’re an MR Community MemberDO YOUR DUTY!…..  I might just have to run for President myself next time around to straighten this whole mess out (That is if there is still a U. S. of A. worth saving in 4 years)……  MR FOR PREZ!

11 Responses to “Demo”Rat”?….. Republi”Can’t”?…..”

  1. I voted this gives me the right to complain. If you don’t vote then you don’t have the right to complain. After all voting is the way to complain to the government so they will hear. So get out there and vote/complain. If you have nothing to complain about then don’t vote other wise today is the day.

  2. Well, I didn’t vote………………for the bad guy.

  3. Are you sure of that, Anon??…… I hope so, whomever you voted for….. I did my duty as leader of the MR Community and I am also hoping I didn’t vote for the BAD guy(s)….. We had a lot of judges to vote to retain and 6 very important State Questions, and a County Sheriff, and a couple of Representatives to vote on….. As I said, the smaller, local stuff is just as, if not more, important than the Presidential race….. Now it’s time to set back and see if any of it makes any difference….. I’ve got a feeling about this election that I haven’t had in a long time – I think some very GOOD things will come from it….. Maybe there is hope for the future after all!……

  4. I didn’t vote for the bad guy. We’ll see about the guy I did vote for.

  5. Ok Hit me with it. We did not get to vote. In Oklahoma in order to vote absentee you have to: 1. register in the Absentee system at least 6 weeks before the election, (Ok it slipped my mind pardon me for having other things to worry about) 2. when you get the ballot you have to: a. fill it out, b. place it in an envelope(Provided), c. take that envelope to a Notary and get it notarized, d. put that in another envelope(provided postage paid) then Mail it. Before the Notary provision came into play I voted Absentee each election that I was on the road. Now, I’m sorry I am not willing to go through the Bullsh**. Now as for Mrs. J.J., She did not because she did not know 6 weeks ago she would be going with me this tour. So Shoot me.

  6. You have a very valid case with overwhelming supporting evidence…. It is Oklahoma Voting system that should be shot!….. You’re cleared of any mis-doings, Mr. J., and, therefore, shall not be ordered to visit “He Who Shall Not Be Named” and spend the day with him…… Case dismissed!…..

  7. J.J.

    Speaking from a state with all mail in……….NOTARIZED? What kind of crap is that? You mean each time you vote absentee you have to have your vote notarized????? I must be wrong.

  8. No Sir you are not wrong. That is the procedure. Every Mail in (absentee) vote every election.

  9. I’m assuming that you have to register to vote in the first place. Doesn’t notarizing an absentee ballot defeat the idea of an absentee ballot? Apparently registering to vote is not enough. What’s required to register, DNA and hair samples? I’d be interested to know the justification for notarizing ballots.

  10. I would too, I could get no logical, or even a believable illogical answer when I questioned this practice. I was told it was to “counteract voter fraud. If you don’t like it don’t vote”. This by a overpaid civil servant whom was annoyed by me because I wanted to ask her a question and she had to stop reading her romance novel, while waiting for her retirement to kick in in 20 years. As for the DNA/Hair samples, For Gods sake don’t give these backward thinking crooks any more ideas.

  11. Sounds like a way to slant the vote like photo ID.

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