It’s Time…….

Mmm-hmmmm….  That’s right, It’s time to start writing down those “New Year Resolutions”……  I’ve already made my list and, unfortunately, I shared the info with Jek…..  I was a bit overambitious now that I look at my list, but, alas, Jek will give me an earful if I don’t at least fulfill the Resolutions for a couple of months or so (I might get away with tapering off on them by then)….  So-o-o, be careful as to what you’re going to commit to and, also, watch out who you show it to…..  Happy New Year!….

3 Responses to “It’s Time…….”

  1. Wrote them on a list. Burnt the list so no one would see and then forgot them. Something to be said for a failing memory.

  2. Who are you????…. Oh, yeah, ANON, yeah, that’s right!….. I don’t have a failing memory – Mine’s passing – Everything I need to remember just seems to pass right through….. It’s sorta blissful in a way…..

  3. And that’s what they mean by a “pass through”.

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