I’ve been thinking about making a post for some time about why Fender hadn’t made a Hendrix Signature Strat of any kind….. Â I thought it might have been problems with Janie Hendrix since she owns all the rights to Jimi’s legacy….. Â Boy, was I wrong!….. Â This Christmas, which probably turned out to be the best thing that happened to me in 2013, I was given the gift of gifts – a ’97 Jimi Hendrix Tribute guitar – Complete with case and documentation…. Â Here’s what it looks like:

You’ll notice that it is actually a left-handed guitar flipped over to give you the feel of that Hendrix had playing a right-hand guitar reversed….. Â You should notice that Fender even reversed the logo on the headstock….. Â It’s definitely one of a kind….. Â Over the years, Fender made seven different attempts at Hendrix strats, but, the ’97 Tribute Strat (the one I have) is the only one that uses a Left-Hand body, all the rest are Right-Hand bodies with Left-Hand necks, so, I guess this makes MY Hendrix Strat the best of the bunch as far as I’m concerned….. Â It’s going to take a while to get used to playing it as the control knobs dig into my forearm while playing…… Â Now, I need to learn a few Hendrix songs just a a tribute to the World’s Greatest Guitar Player…… Â Here’s a link that shows all seven of the versions and a short history of each….. Â Unfortunately, they don’t give any production numbers on the tribute Strat…… Â Doesn’t matter, it’s priceless to me……
Check it out and welcome to 2014…… Â Let’s all try to Post and Comment more….. Â I miss hearing from the Community…… Â As Pink Floyd say, “Is There Anybody Out There?” and The Stones, “Miss You”……
MRambler posted this entry on Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 9:45 am.
Posted in the category Music
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January 13th, 2014 at 5:33 pm
Who’s your sugar daddy and where can I get one?
January 13th, 2014 at 6:09 pm
L-o-n-g story….. Let’s just say he’s a friend from way back when we were playing gigs in the ’70’s…… Turned up again about 6 months ago, collects guitars and anything to do with music….. I’ve been working on setting up a bunch of his collection and we’ve been jamming and working on recording an album…… He has more money than he knows what to do with, so, how could I turn down such a gift?….. What’s that about looking a gift horse in the mouth?….. He’s getting guitar and recording lessons along with guitar tech for his collection and I got a cool guitar….. Well, more than one guitar, but, that’s another story for another Post….. He’s happy, I’m happy – What’s the problem?….. Can’t share, though – Sorry!…..
January 15th, 2014 at 10:53 am
That’s cool. It hurts my head, though.
January 15th, 2014 at 11:46 am
It takes a second look to figure out what’s going on when you see someone playing it….. Everything’s backwards and your brain has a problem processing it….. the Headstock is the main item – Fender Stratocaster is printed in reverse to match what it looked like with the right-hand guitar flipped over…..
January 15th, 2014 at 5:17 pm
So will it explode if you try to play Gilmour solo on it?
January 15th, 2014 at 5:36 pm
Not quite that severe, but if you do try to play something Pinkish on it , the electronics automatically convert the output sound to “Purple Haze”……
January 19th, 2014 at 10:44 pm
As for the guitars. Yes everyone they are COOL!!! BTW MR., What’s your Benefactor got in the way of a Bass? As for posting. ’14 is starting out kinda wierd. Too much to type on my phone. Lets just say when I get in next weekend we get to go shop for a Modem/Memory cards. ROAD TRIP.
January 20th, 2014 at 10:43 am
EC doesn’t collect or play Bass, unfortunately…… Harrison’s the one with all the Basses, but, I don’t think he wants to part with any of them…… I’ve already tried to talk him out of one…… A Shopping Road Trip sounds great – as long as you’re buyin’ – I’m just a poor white boy lost in the Blues…..
February 2nd, 2014 at 5:45 pm
I’m curious what you think of as a “collectible” bass. Fortunately, there are far fewer basses considered collectible than guitars. I don’t understand the obscene prices on 70s Fender Jazz bases; and the 60s ones are even crazier. It’s crazy, because a number of custom makers (Mike Lull in Seattle or Sadowsky in NYC) can hand-make a custom Jazz-clone for less that is better in quality, with superior electronics, and a sound at least as good. With those two exceptions, bass players don’t usually go in for that kind of thing. I mean, choose the bass to suit the task.
That said, there are a few on my own wish list. When up in Seattle, I fell in love with a used 4-string Pedulla Buzz, but it was $1200. And I’d still like a Wal, but they’re crazy expensive because of the scarcity.
February 2nd, 2014 at 7:09 pm
I consider myself a guitar player and not a “Collector” and I somehow ended up with these collectable guitars….. I agree with you that there are numerous lower priced guitars and basses that are as good or better than the so-called “Collectable” ones….. I have an Epiphone Les Paul that plays and sounds just as good as a Gibson Les Paul and costs about $3,000 dollars less….. I know, because everybody played Fender Basses in the ’60’s and ’70’s, they are considered “collectable”….. I just talked to Roger, our Bass player, he has several basses and played a Fender Precision bass, then switched to a Gibson Ripper in the mid-70’s…. He also has a Hofner and semi-acoustic bass… He just recently bought a Schecter Bass that lists around $700….. He says it’s the best bass he’s ever played….. As far as “Collectable”, he said probably an old Hofner, Rickenbacker, Framus, or an Alembic that was made for the Grateful Dead and later Stanley Clark played one…..
February 2nd, 2014 at 8:14 pm
Alembics are absolutely awesome, top-of-the-line basses, though I think they’re incredibly ugly. Sorry to the Beatles fans here, but Hofner basses are basically only good for a boat oar (just based on briefly playing an old one… what a POS).
February 3rd, 2014 at 9:52 am
That’s strange, until he got the Schecter bass, Rog had been mainly using his Hofner bass on most of our recordings….. He said it doesn’t produce string noise and he likes the thin neck, of course, his is a new one, that may be the difference as opposed to an older, collectable one….. That leaves a Rick or a Framus – I think Bill Wyman played a Framus…. I don’t remember what they look like, I’ll have to dig out an old Stones record/CD and check it out….
February 3rd, 2014 at 9:59 pm
Well, tastes differ, of course. I had that really nice Ric 4001 but could never get the Geddy Lee/Chris Squire sound out of it unless I played with a pick, which I don’t like doing. It’s too bad, because it had the best neck (nice and thin) on a bass ever. But I had have to have the truss rods redone because one of them snapped, and I had to have the electronics shielded because it was really noisy.
February 4th, 2014 at 12:36 pm
Roger said he forgot to mention the Gibson EBO series, which rivaled the Fender Precision in the ’60’s….. He said his first bass, which was an Epiphone, was basically the bass, but, much cheaper in cost…… He gave me this link to vintage basses:
February 5th, 2014 at 12:56 am
1964 Fender Jazz, $8795. That’s exactly the kind of insanity I’m talking about. Holy moly! Off all the vintage basses, though, the Jazz sound is what everybody is after now. There are just many ways to get it.
February 5th, 2014 at 12:56 am
Notice how I hijacked this into a bass thread :-).
February 5th, 2014 at 4:31 pm
Nothing wrong with that, HS – Basses are cool, too……