“Whazzit?” #2 by MR…..

Here’s another one of those sketches to ponder over…..  What do you think it is?……  I’m not sure I know what it is (Ha!)……


6 Responses to ““Whazzit?” #2 by MR…..”

  1. That would be a plant in China turning out light bulbs, You can tell it’s Chinese bulbs because every third bulb works.

  2. I must admit, Anon, you call ’em as you see ’em…… BUT, if it’s a Chinese factory why is “TURN CRANK” spelled in English?….. Yes, I admit, it LOOKS like a light bulb factory, but, it supposed to represent something else….. Remember I drew these as motivational icons to get people to think….. Are you sure about that, Anon???? Only one in three – H-m-m-m-m……

  3. Renegade incandescent bulbs.

  4. Interesting view, HS….. When I drew this a few years ago, I didn’t know that they were actually going to quit making regular light bulbs, but, I’m sure they will live on in the cartoon world….. A lit light bulb above something or someone always indicated an “Idea” or a “Thought”….. That’s what’s happening here – Ideas/Thoughts are being mass produced….. That’s half of it – So what do we call the “Machine” that’s making them????… I know because I drew it (Ha!)….. Any Guesses????….. Let that Light bulb light above your head – Blink – Blink- Fizzle….

  5. I get it………It’s an idea factory with two dim bulbs.

  6. Pretty close, Anon….. Good job – I call it a “Thought Generator” and they’re not dim bulbs, they’re just not fully a idea until they get to the end of the conveyor belt…… It’s cartoonish, but, that’s what it’s supposed to be…. Enjoy!…..

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