Most Innovative Rock Guitarist Of All Time

Died 44 years ago, today. 🙁image

8 Responses to “Most Innovative Rock Guitarist Of All Time”

  1. Hmmmm…. yeah, OK.

    So who’s #2, #3, etc…?

  2. #2,3 etc. would be a real debate.

  3. I heard this on a TV show the other day, “If you’re not First – Then you’re Last”, so, that would mean it doesn’t matter who is second or third, etc….. I think we talked on this once before and decided that there are about 10 or more guitarists that would fill the succeeding slots (#2, #3, etc.) depending on what attributes you would base them on _ Originality, Technicality, Style, etc., etc…… In my opinion, and this is MY opinion, which I lean a lot in the direction of Originality, would be Frank Zappa….. He definitely did not get his due respect as a guitarist…… From #3 on, I could stack 10-20 guitarists that would be a toss-up because they are so close on “The Greatness Scale of Guitar Players”……

  4. I wanted to argue the Hendrix #1 ranking but just can’t.

    My list would probably be some intersection of 1. who I thought was influential and 2. who I like. We’re in an age of guitar anti-heroes, that’s for sure.

  5. My original post was the most “influential”. Often imitated, but never duplicated (a local advertisement for a heating & air conditioning co.) lol
    Other earlier innovative rock guitarists that should be mentioned were of course, Chuck Berry, Scotty Moore ((Elvis) & James Burton (Rickey Nelson)

  6. Ah, OK, “innovative.” That narrows it down some… Fripp, Townsend, EVH, Holdsworth…

  7. All good choices, HS. Well done.

  8. HS hung around Jek for many a year, (Mostly at OU) and, I might as well take credit for some of Jek’s musical tastes (he is my son)…… When, and, I guess still, I was in a band with Raj, I would always tape our gigs to listen to later and see what needed to be worked on….. Thankfully I never erased them to use them over and over, so, I have a huge collection of “Terraplane” gigs from the ’70’s…… I kept the tapes labeled and in 30 count cassette cases (I have since A/D’d all of them, but, I still do have all of the original cassettes)….. Jek would love to dump them out all over the living room floor, play some of them and then re-organize them…… I know you might find this hard to believe, but Terraplane was playing live, in bars, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, Yes, FZ, and other alternative music mixed in with ZZ Top, Neil Young, Bad Company, etc…. I plan to talk WD into mastering some of those gigs (which he already has done one) and issue them out on CD or digital to anyone that would like to hear what a band in a bar in Oklahoma in the ’70’s sounded like….. You might be surprised, amused, and/or disgusted (Ha!)……. I will keep you posted…… ROCK ON! and KEEP ON TRUCKIN’…..

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