When Will They Ever Learn?

U.S. military and Bush Administration civilian officials confirmed, U.S. forces have invaded Syria and engaged in combat with Syrian forces.

An unknown number of Syrians are acknowledged to have been killed; the number of Americans – if any – who have died so far has not yet been revealed by the U.S. sources, who, by the way, insist on remaining faceless and nameless.

The parallel with the Vietnam War, where a Nixon administration deeply involved in a losing war expanded the conflict – fruitlessly – to neighboring Cambodia, is obvious. The result was not changed in Vietnam; Cambodia itself was plunged into dangerous chaos which climaxed in the killing fields, where an estimated 1 million Cambodians died as a result of internal conflict.

On the U.S. side, no declaration of war preceded the invasion of Syria, in spite of the requirements of the War Powers Act of 1973. There is no indication that Congress was involved in the decision to go in. If members were briefed, none of them has chosen to share that important information with the American people.

Will it be too late, by the 2008 Election, to stop the madness?

6 Responses to “When Will They Ever Learn?”

  1. What’s your source? I see no indication of this event on CNN or MSNBC.

  2. I knew you’d call me on this, jek. I can’t remember the exact site (Alzheimer’s), I found it on one of the political watchdog sites. I know it wasn’t Snopes, however.

  3. #3 by Randalf the Grey


  4. I saw it (heard it) on national news months ago (no film at 11:00). U.S. pissed about stuff being allowed across boarder so they engaged Syrian troops on their side of the boarder for a little pay back. It was a short news item that was never repeated. Latest rumor is U.S. troops have been in Iran. Unconfirmed. Do you trust that little bastard President? Or Cheney, Rumsfeild, Wolfawitz, and Pearl? This is Nixon’s old gang minus Henry. Don’t get me started.

  5. anon, liked your comment “no film at 11:00”. Pretty well sums up the entire administration.

  6. “My daddy’s rich & my daughter’s good lookin’, So hush pretty baby” (Summertime, slightly modified by Janis)

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