Here’s 4 more in the 4th installment of SNIGLETS…..  Enjoy…..

AEROMA  (ayr oh’ ma)  n.  The odor emanating from an exercise room after an aerobics workout…..

ALPONIUM  (al po’ nee um)  n.  (chemical symbol: Ap)  Initial blast of odor upon opening a can of dog food……

MOTSPUR  (mot’ sper)  n.  The pesky fourth wheel on a shopping cart that refuses to cooperate with the other three…….

SPAGMUMPS  (spag’ mumps)  n.  Any of the millions of Styrofoam wads that accompany mail-order items.  (Also, SPAGBULLIONS:  custom fitted Styrofoam blocks that accompany stereo equipment.)…

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