Didn’t he play the banjo or something?

Sadly, we lost B. B. King on Thursday night. Died in his sleep, age 89, taking a huge chunk of musical talent to the other side. Bet there is a epic jam session in heaven about now. Learned a lot of random facts about him from obits, I had no idea he was a certified pilot, flying himself to a lot of gigs until the mid ’90s. He was disappointed he didn’t serve in WWII; he was saved from full national service because he worked as a cotton picker in Mississippi at a time when plantation owners cut a deal with draft officials to keep their employees in the fields (He *was* inducted, but discharged after basic training). I knew he had a lot of kids, but they’re reporting something like 15 kids and 50 grandkids. Unfortunately, there’s gonna be a whole lot of lawyers scrambling this week.


I did find an invitation for everyone to see B. B. at his new permanent venue, he even left us directions….



2 Responses to “Didn’t he play the banjo or something?”

  1. Sadly

  2. #2 by huskysooner

    What a talent.

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