Jonestown 40 Years later.

Today please remember with me the souls that 40 years ago followed a evil narssistic leader to the Guyanese jungle and those that followed him to their deaths, and the ones who didn’t drink of the poison but were murdered by the evil leadership of the Cult including almost 390 Children. The only US Congressman ever assassinated in the line of duty Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D) CA, NBC reporter Don Harris, NBC cameraman Bob Brown, Photojournalist Greg Robinson. And all those wounded who still deal with the horror of what happened that dark November 18th 1978 on a daily basis. For some the first death on live TV was when Ruby shot Oswald. For me and many others it was on the NBC Nightly News on Monday evening Nov. 20th 1978 when they played the film footage of the Port Kaituma airstrip Massacre. So please say a prayer for all those affected by this senseless tragedy as we remember. And hope we can learn from it. Those who don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

One Response to “Jonestown 40 Years later.”

  1. That’s a good point that I’ve seen stated more clearly recently… it wasn’t suicide (except in the case of some of the leadership) but mass murder.

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