DID YOU KNOW…..I didn't think so…….Pickers And Stealers

The hands. In French

argot hands are called cialis online “harpes, which is a contraction form of “harpions”; and harpion is the Italian “arpione”, a hook used by thieves to pick linen, etc., from hedges. A “harpe d’un chien” means a dog’s paw and “Il mania tres bein

es harpes” means he used his fingers very dexterously.

5 Responses to “DID YOU KNOW…..I didn't think so…….Pickers And Stealers”

  1. huh?

  2. What?

  3. J.J.,
    I just thought “pickers and stealers” was a cool name for your hands. Maybe a cool title for a song.

  4. Like I said, those French have a different word for everything!…… Is the picking part for our noses?……. It would be a good song title…..

  5. Ok. That I got, And you are right sounds like a good title.

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