Archive for the 'Music' Category

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It’s Done, Done and Done……

I had an interesting Christmas day……. I had a visit from my brother, talked to my son a couple of times in Seattle……. Both nice things in themselves, but, I mostly spent the day in Too-Loose studios with a guitar, a mike, a Tascam US-122 interface and my laptop with Cubase SL recording/mixing program and […]

Christmas Day…

Yeah, I got up early….. Why?…… ’cause it’s CHRISTMAS! and it only comes once a year (that’s only 24 hours and I’ve already slept through a quarter of them)……. People to see and a recording to do (don’t ask, but if you read the post just before this you’ll know)…….. Busy but enjoyable……. I hope […]

A Season’s Song (with the chords)…….

Note: This version now contains some lyrics supplied by Jek….. They are printed in bold and italics…… Thanks Jek….. If you have been following this post you know that I’ve been writing a Christmas song over the last couple of years…… The problem is Christmas comes too fast when you start only a week before, […]

Best Live Performances you missed….

As an opposite to Randalf’s BEST LIVE PERFORMANCES, I thought it might be interesting to fess-up to some of those performances you could have went to but didn’t for some reason or other and now after all these days/years regret your decision…… There are two concerts I didn’t go to that quickly come to mind…. […]

Selling Out

how to get my ex girlfriend back – THIS JUST IN: From an article in the Sacramento Bee about rock stars selling out to the “Man”. …..selling their music for commercial ads. Seems not everyone sold out. “One example of going to far might be Preparation H’s bid in 2004 to use Johnny Cash’s ‘Ring […]

Who Woulda’ Thunk It?

Doobie Brother now a secret weapon on terror Rock ‘n’ Roll guitarist Jeff Baxter talks about being one of the countries top counter-terrorism experts. “Today” correspondent Jaime Gangel reports Guitarist Jeff Baxter is a founding member of Steely Dan and a member of the Doobie Brothers. The 56-year-old Baxter has eight platinum albums and two […]


I’d like to hear about some of the best live performances you guys have seen. I’ve experienced a lot of great concerts, but two of them seem to stand out—King Crimson’s Lark’s Tongues tour ( the warm-up act was Gentle Giant), and Jethro Tull’s Aqualung tour (the warm-up act was Yes).

Favorite 60s group

With all the worship of the Beatles and Stones that goes on here, along with other 60s groups that may or may not be XTC anachronisms, I’ve heard nary a mention of Cream (or The Who for that matter, but we’ll leave that for another time). Last week on the local PBS affiliate, I caught […]

Inane Drivel Post #1

If Bush were a “Rock Star”, would he: A. Play guitar B. Play air guitar C. Be an off-key back-up singer D. Dress like Michael Jackson E. Be Michael Jackson F. All of the above (except A)

Nick Drake

Singer-Songwriter from late 60’s (now deceased). I read an interesting review on him over the weekend. Sounds like it may be pretty good. Anyone heard anything by him? Curious minds want to know!

Dukes of Strat (Successor?)

Got this from MSNBC this morning. “The Kingsbury Manx aren’t your typical pop band. Their name sounds British, they’re from North Carolina but don’t sound Southern, and they eschew the typical catchy pop hooks. The title of their latest album, “The Fast Rise and Fall of the South,” sounds like it could be used for […]


Being a relative newcomer to this Blog, I went back & read some of the old posts. One in particular I enjoyed was the one about your favorite album or cd of all time. I think one of the criteria mentioned was that you had to like every cut on the album. There are several […]

Stones to Ashes (Rolling that is)…….

Here’s one you might be interested in: In 1988 an Austrian company tried to acquire future rights to Mick Jagger’s body……. The company planned to cremate Jagger and pack the ashes into hourglasses to sell to Rolling Stones fans…….. Anyone want to see Mick make an “Ash” out of himself?….. I wonder just how big […]

Look what they did to our song, mama

By Albert Brooks Newsweek Nov 14, 2005 issue – So NEWSWEEK tells me they’re working on a cover story about a generation getting ready to turn 60. They ask me if I want to write something. I say, “Are you insane?” You want to do a magazine cover about turning 60? Do you want to […]

Just one more Note in the Key of G(overnment)…….

The Guess Who had a hit in 1970 with “Share the Land.” But the song was banned across the South because politicians thought it was promoting communism…… As the band explained, the song was about heaven……. Wouldn’t those red-baiting politicians have served the country better by investigating the subversive lyrics in “Louie, Louie”?…….. Oh! That’s […]