Archive for the 'Seattle' Category

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Seattle MR Community!…..

Boy, are you on my S-List!……  I have to hear on my local Oklahoma news that the 50th Anniversary of the Space Needle in Seattle was when?…..  YESTERDAY!…..  When do I arrive in Seattle?…..  THIS TUESDAY!….  Did I miss this event?…..  DUH!…..  I hope you like standing in the corner for a few hours, although, […]

Coming into Seattle…..

Packing up and heading for Seattle to see how the MR Community there is doing……  Arriving late night on the 24th through the 2nd of May…..  Plan to mostly vacation and goof-off, and, get away from the dangerous weather we’ve been having here in Oklahoma…..  PD Bob is all bent out of shape as I […]

In Honor of the Most Human Cat….

I ever knew…..  I received the sad news from Jek today of Holstein’s passing….  Any of you, and there are a few, who remember Jek’s childhood dog, Lucy, Holstein is, at this moment, sitting right next to Lucy discussing their likes and dislikes of Master Jek…..  They were both more human than a lot of […]

Only in the Great Northwest……

Here’s another snapshot that Anon sent me….. It was originally titled, “So much for that Global Warming/Endangered Species claptrap!!!!”, but, I know the inside story…. Whitey the  Polar Bear is merely being a good citizen and is offering the pedestrian on the passenger’s side of Whitey’s Ford pick-up a ride (Yes, Polar Bear’s can get Driver’s […]

Jimi “Snowman” Hendrix…..

Anon sent me this pic of Jimi Hendrix’s statue that’s located in downtown Seattle…..  Some ingenious pranksters turned Jimi into a snowman……  The other pic is one I took years ago without the snowman disguise…… Bottom Line: Don’t become a ground level statue if you can’t stand the attention….. ——————————————————————————————–


Here at MR Central Headquarters it is 2012…..  It is just barely 2012 by a minute or so – Oklahoma (CST) Time…..  I noticed the Blog’s log clock shows it’s an hour or so into the New Year – I guess it’s set to Eastern Standard Time – In any case, all of you West […]

It’s Already July?…..

I can’t believe it’s already 4th of July weekend!….. Half the year – GONE – Ph-u-u-t! – Just like that!….. Oh, Well, It may not be much of a 4th around here anyway, as we have a Burn Ban in effect in Oklahoma County due to extreme drought conditions, above 100 degree temps across the […]

In Memory Of…..

…..One of the “Coolest Cats” to ever roam The Great White North…… On 18JAN2011 we lost Rainy Cat to kidney disease…… This is more than an MRRC Report, as Rainy Cat was family…… She, along with her two (2) partners, Holstein the Cat and Gimli the Frog, controlled and ran the Jek/Tarn residence since their […]

It’s Jimi’s Birthday…..

….As I’m a little late in the day Posting this, listen to some Hendrix tonight, or tomorrow for sure……  They’re having a Hendrix Birthday Party at the Seattle Hard Rock Cafe tonight, and another one at another big club tomorrow night…..  Didn’t make it to the Hard Rock, but, am considering making the one tomorrow […]

Taj Mahal

Got to see Taj Mahal at “The Jazz Alley” Friday the 19th….. I went in good company – Jek and TTop from MRC and members from MC6 – Eight of us in all, so, there was going to be fun even if Taj didn’t show up!  Taj did show up, but, I guess if it […]


That’s right, Skiattle….. Remember me telling everyone about how little snow and ice Seattle gets?…. Well, I guess it just takes a visit from me to screw it all up!….. It’s like 19 degrees out there right now (the high for the day is supposed to be a scorching 27 degrees) and there is SNOW […]

Seattle Beware…..

Yep, it’s time Mrambler pulled an inspection of the Seattle branch of MR Central…… Actually, it’s more of a vacation as I get out of Oklahoma for a while and enjoy the Great White North….. I plan to see lots of new things, including looking around for future digs along with visiting old friends, such […]

Any Ideas?……

Look’s like we’ve left out the Seattle connection on Mr. J.’s post on Oklahoma Malls, so, I’m (MR) looking for suggestions on topics to discuss from any and all in the Community….. Believe me, I have opinions on anything!…. Just ask Jek….. Just give me a direction – Music, Politics (yuck), History, etc., etc….. Just […]

Seattle Strikes Back?……

It’s long lost history concerning the Seattle Sonics ending up being the Oklahoma City Thunder, but, here’s the latest rumor from the sports section. OKC’s arena football team, the Yard Dawgz, is rumored to be headed to Seattle….. OKC officials claim it’s not true…. We’ve all heard that one before….. If this comes down, I’m […]

Fire and Rain……

OK, what’s going on up there in the Great Northwest…… eh?….. I just saw on the news that you’ve got eight (8) separate wildfires going along with enough rain to cause mudslides afterwards….. I guess you can have your home burned down and mud slid away in the same day…… Not Good!….. If you North […]