Quiz 2010-1, Phase B…..
Well, Quiz-O’s, it’s time to see how you do with “Phase B”….. We’ll continue with the listing thing for the remainder of Quiz 2010-1…. First one to 100 Points wins……REMEMBER, No Internet and NO electronic retrieval devices that have a search engine (i.e. I-Phones, I-Pods, Aye-Aye’s, P-Pods, Library computer search engines, etc) – Just good ‘ol Brains, books, and CLOSE friends, as long as your Bean Brain is the search engine…… No solicitation of unknown Professors, Teachers, Geeks on the street – In short – We all know when we’re cheating – so don’t…. PDB is still out of touch, but, he is watching over his extensive illegal M.O.L.E. Net……
Quick Points Update: 1st place: Robo 38 Points, 2nd Place: Zook 32 Points, 3rd Place: Jek 26 Points, 4th Place: Anon 23 Points, 5th Place: HuskeySooner 1 Point……
1. Name “Snow Conditions and Types (26 Total)
2. Name “States, Confederate” (11 Total)
3. Name “States, Original U.S.” (13 Total)
4. Name “Snoopy’s Siblings” (7 Total)
5. Name “Snakes” (50 Total) – 10 MAX per Quizzer
6. Name “Coffee/Coffee Bean Varieties (31 Total)
7. Name “Mathematical Tools” (15 Total)
8. Name “Monopoly Spaces” (36 Total) – 5 MAX per        Quizzer
That’s it – Go for it – Git ‘er Done……